How to clear a clog in the sink: how and with what to break through the clogged area in the pipeline

There is hardly an adult who has never had to unclog a clogged sink.Such troubles happen to almost everyone, and usually at the wrong time - at moments when it is not possible to call a specialist, and you need to use the device urgently.

In this material we will figure out how to remove a blockage in the sink with minimal time and how to handle plumbing so that such problems do not arise again. To do this, let’s look at the 5 best tools for mechanically removing blockages, and also name the most effective and popular chemicals among users.

Causes of a clogged sink

A blockage is a mechanical obstruction that prevents water from flowing normally into the sewer system. Typically, such an obstacle occurs due to the accumulation of debris (dirt, hair, grease) that forms in the siphon or pipe.

Determining that a sink is clogged is very simple: water slowly flows down the drain, and over time an unpleasant odor appears in the room.

Errors when installing sewerage elements

Blockages can form if the elements of the sewer system are installed incorrectly. When the angle of the pipes is insufficient, solid particles remain in them.

Gradually they accumulate, mix with grease and detergent residues, stick to the inner surfaces of the walls of sewer pipes, narrowing their diameter.

The bathroom sink is clogged
Water can be retained in the sink not only due to a blockage, but also if the drain hole in the pipeline of the gravity sewer system is displaced. This occurs due to a change in its inclination

Incorrect use of the sink

If the siphon does not have a mesh installed to filter the waste, solid particles, debris, hair, sand and even small objects get into it along with the water.

Gradually the siphon becomes clogged. Sooner or later, a plug of dirt forms, which practically blocks the pipe, reduces the clearance and retains water.

Using cast iron sewer pipes

Frequent blockages are a “disease” of cast iron sewers. The inner surface of the pipes is rough, which promotes the adhesion of grease and dirt. Gradually, a thick layer of deposits forms, which becomes the cause of blockages. To prevent this from happening, you need to carry out regular prevention.

Clogged sink siphon
To determine exactly where the blockage has formed - in the siphon or pipes, it is advisable to immediately disassemble it and, if necessary, clean and wash the siphon. If everything is fine with it, you need to pour water into the sewer pipe and check how fast it flows

Blockages do not appear instantly. This is usually a lengthy process and determining the cause of problems is not always easy. The first thing to do is to remove the blockage, but if the sewer becomes clogged frequently, you will still have to diagnose the system and take measures to prevent problems in its operation.

In addition to the sink, other plumbing fixtures, as well as pipes, may suffer from blockages.We talked about the problem and solutions in more detail in our other articles:

TOP 5 tools for mechanical cleaning

All sewer cleaning methods can be divided into two types - mechanical and chemical. The first involves destroying the cork using special devices or improvised means. Methods of the second type are based on the use of household chemicals or “folk recipes”.

Mechanical pipe cleaning
The most popular tools for mechanical cleaning of sewer pipes are a cable, a flexible shaft, a metal strip or simply a long rigid wire.

Both types of products have their own characteristics, and they should be taken into account when choosing how to clear a clog in a pipe or sink.

Tool #1 - sink plunger

If you are in doubt about how and what is the best way to break through a clog in the sink, choose a plunger. This is one of the safest and most reliable drain cleaning tools. It is an elastic hemisphere made of rubber or silicone attached to a handle.

When purchasing a tool, it is important to choose a device with a nozzle that will completely cover the sink drain hole. The larger the nozzle, the greater the compression effect it will have on the blockage, which means it will break through it faster and more efficiently.

Cleaning a sink with a plunger
A plunger can be useful for blockages of siphons and pipes. The main advantage of the tool is that it does not damage sewers and plumbing fixtures

In addition to the usual plungers, there are also pneumatic ones. They look similar to bicycle pumps.Such tools are easy to use, convenient and reliable. Their only drawback is their high price, which is why they are most often purchased by professional plumbers.

Tool #2 - plumbing cable

It is metal (usually steel) cable with a handle with which you can rotate the tool, pushing it into the sewer pipe. The device is ideal for clearing blockages, but you should be careful when using it, because... The plastic elements of the system can easily be damaged.

You can buy the cable at a hardware store or make it yourself. If you handle the tool with care, it can last for several decades. All you need to do is wash it after use, wipe it and lubricate it with machine oil. A rolled instrument takes up minimal space; the main thing is not to store it in damp areas.

If for some reason it is difficult to unscrew the siphon fasteners or a blockage has formed in it and cannot be cleaned, a homemade plastic cable from a bottle can be a way out of the situation.

It will not damage vulnerable parts of the sewer system and will do a great job with minor blockages. This tool is easy to make yourself.

When using a rope from a bottle, you must be careful and rotate very carefully so that the tape does not break. Otherwise, it may get stuck in the sewer pipe, and the situation will only get worse.

After use, do not throw away the homemade cable. It is washed, dried, rolled and stored. He can help out more than once.

Tool #3 - Flexible Shaft

A flexible shaft is an improved analogue of a cable. It is thicker and longer, suitable for cleaning wide pipes.The tool is made of a thick cable with a diameter of at least 9 mm, wrapped along the entire length with a spiral spring about 5 mm thick. The total diameter of the tool can reach 20-28 mm, and its length – 60 m.

Plumbing flexible shaft
The end of the tool has a spiral attachment that can be used to remove accumulated dirt from the pipe. The cable is suitable for breaking large and old plugs

The device is used to deal with complex blockages if a plug has formed in a bend in the pipe where plumbing tools of a more “modest” length cannot reach.

Tool #4 - Cleaning Wire

The blockage can be removed using a special wire with an attachment. It is used in the same way as a cable. The features of the tool are its smaller thickness and the ability to be equipped with various attachments.

The device is universal, suitable for both cleaning sinks and removing objects that have fallen into a hole or well.

Wire cleaning
A wire with a nozzle is inserted into the drain hole of the sink. When it reaches the blockage, it is rotated, pushing it further. It is important not to use excessive force so as not to damage the device.

The main disadvantage of wire is that it deforms during use. Due to rotation, the straight tool gradually acquires a spiral shape, which makes its subsequent use difficult. Therefore, metal wire is considered a less reliable and durable tool than a cable or flexible shaft.

Tool #5 - Metal Tape

Another useful tool for clearing clogs is a steel strip. The device is designed for long pipes. It is a flat strip of metal 2.5-3 cm wide, at the end of which a small “peak” is attached.

The advantages of the device are convenience and durability. There are tapes of various lengths on sale (from 7 to 30 m), and every owner of an apartment or house can choose a tool suitable for his sewer system.

Metal tape
For ease of use, the tool is equipped with a comfortable handle that fits well in the palm of your hand. The tape is easy to hold in your hand

The list of mechanical tools that can be used to unclog a sink is extensive. The devices described are considered the most convenient, but there are other options. You can always find exactly the tool that is most suitable for a particular system. You should definitely buy it and keep it at home in case of problems with the sewerage system.

Chemicals for removing blockages

Household sewer chemicals make life much easier for people who do not have the opportunity to use mechanical cleaning tools. The advantages of industrial production means are undeniable: they act quickly, efficiently, and you don’t need to make any special effort to use them. Household chemicals are used not only to eliminate, but also to prevent blockages.

Chemical formulations have disadvantages compared to mechanical tools. Too aggressive means can damage the plastic sewer. Another disadvantage is that they are harmful to the environment. These are good reasons to consider their use.

The principle of operation of chemical compounds is simple: they dissolve organic substances. Fat and hair caught in the drain soften and are easily washed off with hot water. After using the products, there are no deposits left on the internal surfaces of the pipes, which complicate the use of the sewage system. The walls become smooth and allow wastewater to pass through well.

Household sewer chemicals may contain acids or alkalis.The former cope well with grease and are better suited for kitchen sinks, while the latter should be used in bathrooms and toilets, because... they dissolve hair, residues of detergents and cleaning products deposited on the pipes.

Chemicals for sewerage
When choosing chemicals, pay attention to their composition and purpose. Some drugs are too aggressive, and their constant use may result in the replacement of sewer pipes

The products vary in release form. They can be liquid, free-flowing or gel-like. It is believed that powders and granules are most effective, but if used incorrectly they can damage plastic pipes. The effect of liquid products is the mildest, but they are not concentrated enough.

Generally accepted ideas about the effectiveness of various forms of products are not always confirmed in practice, so it is wise to select chemicals based on the brand name and description on the packaging. We recommend that you read rating of the best funds from blockages.

When using, be sure to read the manufacturer's information and strictly follow the instructions.

Safety precautions when cleaning the sink
Neglecting safety measures when using chemical cleaning agents is unacceptable. Allergy sufferers and people with respiratory problems may feel unwell without protection

There are several general rules that should be followed when cleaning a sink with chemical compounds:

  • Be sure to open windows and doors to increase air flow. It is advisable to cover your mouth and nose with a mask. If not, then at least try not to inhale the caustic fumes.
  • Hands should be protected with gloves. If the composition gets on the skin, it should be washed off immediately under a powerful stream of cold water. It is not advisable to use hot water and detergents.
  • Use chemicals carefully and leave it exactly for the period specified in the instructions. During this period, water should not be drained into the sink.

Some housewives neglect the instructions and leave household chemicals in the sink drain overnight, believing that this improves the result. If you have plastic pipes, such experiments are dangerous, because... caustic compounds damage materials. The sewer may leak, and then you will have to seal it or even replace a section of the pipe.

Soda for sewer
Soda is used to clean drains either as an independent active ingredient or in combination with vinegar. It disinfects pipes well, removes blockages and odors.

For people who are concerned about the state of the environment and do not want to use aggressive chemicals, alternative (“folk”) remedies are available - citric acid, soda and vinegar.

These substances do not clear blockages so quickly and efficiently, but they are safe and perfect for preventive measures. You can see how to use them in the video below.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

There are different types of blockages. Some are easy to get rid of by simply flushing the drain. hot water, and there are cases when dirt plugs become a real problem. There are many methods to get rid of them. We offer a short video review that will help you choose the best methods and means.

How and how to clear a clog in the sink is described in the video below:

We offer detailed video instructions on how to clean a sink with a plunger:

The clog can be cleared with soda and vinegar or a mixture of detergent and chlorine-containing chemicals. How to do this is shown in the video:

Is it possible to get rid of blockages forever? The hero of the next video is sure that this is possible.His method:

Frequent blockages are a good reason to seek help from a professional plumber. The problem may arise due to displacement or depressurization of elements of the sewer system.

If the sink does not clog often, then choose any of the proposed methods for solving the problem and use it. It is not difficult to clean the sewer with your own hands, and you will succeed.

Have you encountered a complex blockage and just can’t deal with it? Ask your questions below the article, describing your situation in detail - our experts and site visitors who have experience in removing blockages with their own hands will definitely tell you suitable options for solving your problem.

Visitor comments
  1. Igor

    Quite often, blockages in the sink occur, especially in the summer in the kitchen due to various food waste. The best cleaning method for me personally turned out to be chemical. I filled it in, and after a certain time everything returned to normal, no need to exert much physical effort as when working with a wire or a plunger. Just be sure to remember about air circulation. So one time I foolishly closed all the windows and the door in the kitchen, and after a day the acrid smell disappeared from there.

    • Denis

      Chemistry helps while the pipes are relatively new. Over time, such a plaque forms inside them that only mechanical cleaning methods begin to help. In general, a more reliable cable has not yet been invented.

  2. Alexander

    Yes, chemistry works well, even the cheapest ones, like Mole, but it is not suitable in all cases. Now many people install plastic pipes, not all of which can withstand chemical cleaning.So you fill it overnight, and in the morning it will not only break through the blockage, but also create extra holes in the pipe. So, now the most optimal and effective way is a plumbing cable. And no great physical effort is required. The only thing is that it’s not very convenient for one, but with an assistant it’s quite easy to punch. A plunger is also suitable, but for small blockages.

    • Stepan

      Alexander, plastic pipes are quite resistant to chemicals. I would probably. I was more worried about cast iron pipes, that they would corrode, than about polyethylene or PVC ones. Remember what rusts and deteriorates faster in air - metal or plastic?

  3. Larisa

    It is best to use liquid rather than powder products so as not to spray harmful substances. For me, the optimal remedy is “Mole”. It does not contain harmful substances, plus it kills germs. In addition, do not forget about preventive measures. If there is food left on the dishes, you wash in the bathroom, you have long hair that falls out and ends up in the drain, etc., then do not try to push everything further, but throw it in the trash. Here the Russian hope for chance does not work.

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