Renewal of a gas contract upon change of owner: procedure

Changing your place of residence is always accompanied by a large volume of documents.Moving to a gasified house is especially important, since renewing the gas contract when changing ownership is mandatory. Have you noticed how many people leave this for later? Meanwhile, without a contract in his name, the owner of the premises will not be able to obtain a certificate of absence of debt, receive subsidies, or take advantage of benefits.

The re-registration algorithm in the Russian Federation is approved by law and is the same for all subjects. It includes three mandatory steps and provides for several forms of contracts. Proper registration ensures the new owner timely maintenance of gas equipment and correct payment.

In this article we have provided the basic legal requirements, procedures, list of documents, as well as types of contracts for individuals. The result was a detailed guide that allows you to quickly renegotiate a gas supply contract when the property owner changes.

Rules for the supply and use of gas

Even when planning your move, you can familiarize yourself with government regulations regulating the rules for the supply and use of gas.

There are two of them:

  1. Resolution No. 410 of May 14, 2013 approves the terms of use.
  2. Resolution No. 549 of July 21, 2008 contains delivery rules.

According to these documents, only the owner of the premises can be the customer for gas supply services.Accordingly, it is illegal to use it on behalf of the previous owner.

Application box
When submitting an application, the deadlines for consideration and execution should be taken into account. On average, they are 10 working days. Therefore, if you want to take advantage of the benefits immediately after moving, you should not delay

The owner or customer, according to legislative terminology, can be not only an individual. It can be a management organization, a housing cooperative, a homeowners association, or an individual entrepreneur.

Procedure for re-registration of documents

The list of documents for re-registration of gas supply to the new owner may vary. It depends on the form of ownership. But the algorithm of actions is the same for everyone; it consists of three main stages.

Stage #1 - submitting an application

An application or offer is submitted by the new owner of the residential premises to the gas service office that oversees the area of ​​residence. To simplify the process, a special form has been developed.

It contains:

  • lines for entering information about the applicant;
  • the wording of the request;
  • fields for displaying information about the type of consumption, room area, number of residents, benefits, characteristics of gas equipment.

If we are talking about a private house, the owner will have to additionally indicate the place of connection to central highway, as well as details of the document defining the boundaries of the property.

Gas meter
When submitting an application, gas meter information may be required. Therefore, even at the stage of purchasing a home, it is recommended to request a technical passport of the product from the previous owner

The application form can be obtained without a personal visit to the gas service.All you have to do is call the customer service department to receive the document by email or use the download link provided. When you make the first call, you should also ask questions about documents and deadlines.

Stage #2 - equipment check

Having received a complete set of documents from the applicant, the gas company employee will set a date for inspecting the equipment.

The stove, the water heating column, and the heating boiler that shuts off the fuel supply are subject to mandatory control. tap, flow meter, all connections and locking devices.

Gasman's visit
During the visit, a gas service representative checks not only the operability of equipment and devices, but also the correct location of the equipment relative to the walls, floor, sink, radiators

Checking is carried out on a paid basis. The total amount depends on the number of units of gas equipment. The new owner of the premises must pay for the work. If the technician identifies a discrepancy between the condition of the equipment or gas pipeline elements and the safety requirements, the deficiencies will have to be corrected. Without this, renewing the contract is impossible.

To avoid problems with gas equipment, it is recommended to promptly conclude a service agreement with the gas company. How to do this - read Further.

Stage #3 - conclusion of a new contract

At the end of the inspection, an employee of the gas company will draw up a report on the completion of the work. It will become the basis for renegotiating the agreement. It is important that the form of the contract reflects the methods of accounting and payment for fuel.

The minimum validity period of the contract with the gas service is 3 years. On average, it is 5-10 years. Practice shows that new tenants are in no hurry to renew the contract and pay according to receipts in the name of the previous owner.In this case, you need to know that upon expiration of the validity period, a fine will be imposed for using gas without a contract: from 1 thousand to 2 thousand for an individual, from 40 to 100 thousand for a legal entity

Representatives of the subscriber department must correctly record the current option and select the relevant form based on the information provided by the checking specialist.

Different types of contracts are provided for in settlements according to:

  • flow meter data;
  • regional and seasonal standards;
  • metering devices with a smart card;
  • by meters with GSM module.

Separate forms of agreements for each item have been created for owners of gas distribution pipelines. Experience shows that you should not rely only on the attentiveness of gas workers.

It is important to personally monitor the compliance of the contents of the contract with the current situation.

Replacing a gas hob
During the period of entry into rights, if desired, you can replace outdated equipment. It is better to do this before the inspector’s visit. Then fresh data will be entered into the act and the new agreement

You will be able to receive a new contract in 3-4 business days at the subscriber department of the regional gas service. Most companies send an email or phone message indicating that the document is ready.

List of documents for re-registration

You can see what documents are needed to renew a gas contract on the website of the regional supplier.

The standard list includes:

  1. A clear copy of your passport.
  2. Proof of ownership. This may be a certificate of state registration or a social tenancy agreement.
  3. Documented information about the area of ​​the gasified room. Usually they are contained in the technical passport, in the house design.
  4. Information about residents displayed in a certificate from the passport office, an extract from the house register or a certificate from the municipal administration.
  5. Technical passports of all units of gas equipment. The flowmeter passport must be accompanied by information about the last verification, date sealing.
  6. A copy of the act of fixing property boundaries when owning a private house.

If one of the documents is missing, gas company employees do not have the right to accept the application or give it a go. Therefore, it is not worth wasting time trying to re-issue a contract with an incomplete package of documents.

According to the rules, during the equipment inspection, the technician must provide instructions to the new home owner. It includes safety rules and an algorithm for action in emergency situations. Therefore, when accepting documents, sometimes they pay attention to the presence of the corresponding signature in the act

Sometimes an old contract concluded with the previous owner is required for re-registration. If it is not possible to find it, you must submit a contract for the maintenance of in-house equipment. But this rule applies only to residents of apartment buildings.

Owners of private households, if they lose an old document, are advised to restore it by requesting a request to the gas service archive.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

In the video, a specialist explains how a real supplier company differs, why it is necessary to have a valid contract for the supply of blue fuel in your name, and what work is performed under this contract. Pay attention to the benefits of cooperation with an official organization, which are listed by the author of the video:

As you can see, renewing the contract when the owner changes is a mandatory condition for the operation of household gas equipment. All you need to do is prepare the necessary documents and take three simple steps: submit an application, check the equipment, and receive a new contract.

If you are about to move to a gasified house or change of housing is already behind you, and you have something to share, write. The form below is designed for active discussion. Any comment can be accompanied by a drawing, scan or photograph. Ask questions, share experiences. Don't let others make annoying mistakes.

Visitor comments
  1. Elmira

    How can we renew a gas contract if we live in a private house, we have shared ownership and there are 5 shareholders? The inheritance from my father and the gas contract (personal account) are still listed in my father’s name, although he died several years ago. Only my sister and I live in a private house.

  2. Igor

    It’s strange that the buyer of a house requires a set of documents as for a new connection (technical conditions, gasification project and other technical documents).
    This is completely inconvenient.. I don’t have those conditions from the seller or the project.
    Only old contracts for gas supply and VDGO

  3. Irina

    It’s strange that instead of entering the area of ​​the apartment from the documents, a woman from Gorgaz comes and starts measuring the apartment!! Maybe Gorgaz works part-time as a gunner??! Why then do you need those documents for the apartment???

  4. Elena

    I ask you to discharge the citizen, since I purchased this property. How to do this remotely?

  5. Natalia

    When re-signing a contract with the new owner of a private house, Gorgaz, in addition to its employee checking the equipment in the house, also requires an act on the hood, on the chimney, they gave a business card of Fireplace LLC, it is now winter, the heating is working, they said that without this act they will not re-issue the contract for new owner

  6. Julia

    Hello. 1.5 years since I rented an apartment in an apartment building (9 floors). The new owner apparently did not renew the contract. After 1.5 years I receive a message about debt! What should I do to avoid being in debt? And it’s interesting, apparently not everyone gets gas maintenance?

  7. Tanya

    The owner of the apartment has changed, and just at this time it is necessary to change the gas supplier.
    Should I sign with the new supplier immediately or should I re-register the owner with the old one and then sign with the new one?

  8. Tatiana

    During the re-registration process, I left copies of my passport in a bunch of places. I understand, prove your identity, show your passport, I understand, provide a document of title. But I can’t understand why I need a copy of my passport.

    • Alexei

      Bookworms need to make money from photocopies

  9. Galina Nikolaevna

    Why can't I send documents by mail? There were no problems with anyone except you. Some kind of stone age!!!

  10. Irina

    Having received a complete set of documents from the applicant, the gas company employee will set a date for inspecting the equipment.
    Are the timing of setting this date regulated? We were given this date almost two months after contacting the gas company about concluding an agreement. It is legal?

  11. Alexander

    IT'S RUSSIA. And if the change of owner occurred due to the fact of donating the apartment from the father to the son.A change of owner is a fact, and a set of documents is in accordance with their legal regulations as for a newly connected facility to the gasification system. But in fact, only the initials of the owner have changed. So what should we do here?

  12. Zhanna

    I am the new owner of the apartment, how can I send you documents to change the gas receipt?

    • Administration

      Good afternoon. You should contact your management company.

  13. Irina

    How to re-register a payment card for the new owner?

    • Administration

      Good afternoon. UZhK should help you with this question.

    • Cheslav

      Purchased in March of this year. apartment for Granddaughter. Everything is official. A very busy, promising scientist. I took all the required Documents to the passport office at the location of the apartment. Only here are hemorrhoids. The payment receipts continue to list the previous owner as having died 10 years ago. (Light and Gas) and the Legal Heir (Housing and Utilities Services). Nothing changed. All service organizations each require their own package of documents for re-registration. In a big city it's just Horrible. How to find a Single Window???

  14. Amina

    Hello, please tell me, is it possible to change documents via the Internet? I am the new owner.

  15. Elena

    Krasnodar, we received a part of the house as a donation, but in fact it is a blocked building (each co-owner has a separate entrance and separate heating boilers and metering devices) why do we, when re-registering the owner of my 55 square meters, require the consent of all owners of 10 apartments

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